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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

news for SOYA 09 has been upped on SGcafe recently and i've just saw it =X looks like i'll have to apply for a media pass and register if i wan to take photos / post on blogs and such, but its free so i'm MOST PROBABLY going unless i've got something cropped up that is SO IMPORTANT that i have to miss it. Its on saturday though, so i dun tink something will crop up.

heres the homepage for SOYA 09:


really hope that i'll be able to make it there cos its like the other end of SG? lol, a clementi somemore, so i'll have to get there early to queue too =X

heres another thing random to fill into a blog of Flights =D

Rie Kugimiya acting as a seiyuu for Shana (at the back), amazing =D~~


Monday, December 29, 2008

etto... ok... school's re-opening in 4 days time and thus i'll most probably have some small changes to this blog. OK, first things first, as next year's an important year for me, i will be less active on my entries for my blog and try to update at least once a week. The Flights will be reduced to its original length again but will lengthen once its in the hols... i hope... i'll be continuing with all those anime watchings next year as well and i might not have time to write every single Flight, so i'll most probably reduce their length at the most. A new year is a new start, so wad's on ur minds this coming year of 2009? i wonder wad i'll be doing at the exact time when the clock strikes 12 and welcome the new year? HAHA, 2009's a good start for those who haven got into anime yet cos next year's gonna have a whole load of amazing animes coming up too =)

[ISM Flight 2 Anime]

Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka 12 (END)

A plane decends in front of Jun where he spots his parents in the plane. Jun's father tells him that those people who had took him here are the bad guys and shot some missles over Jun which made him think that his parents were almost trying to kill him. After defeating the enemy, Jun's parents leave Jun behind since it was in between their job. Jun suggests that they should go and see Minato but his father said something about Minato but Jun was unable to hear it already. Jun finally returns home after he was left in the mountains and Minato greets him afterwards. Jun's heartbeat rose as he sees what Minato was wearing and upon realising that, Yuuhi appears and suggests that they perhaps have started too early after Jun asks if she was jealous and Yuuhi suggests to Jun that they should break up. Those words make Jun and Minato both shocked and speechless while Jun was still unable to understand what Yuuhi was trying to make Jun know. She then leaves straight away and Minato and Jun were left behind with Jun being punched on his forehead by her. Jun asks Minato if something has happened afterwards and Jun wonders if he had done anything to make her sad but Minato replies that it was the both of them who had made her sad. Minato then leaves Jun the next day and even though Jun tries to stop her, Minato tells him that it was not her house in the beginning and was Jun's. Minato later asks Jun to decide what to do next or no one will become happy. In class, almost everyone knew that something was wrong with Jun and Yuuhi and Minato also met with Nagomi who knows what has been troubling Minato. During break time, Jun was also grouped together with Tsukasa and Nishino and the both of them were asking about his current situation. Jun says that he was unable to understand women but Tsukasa manages to make him know simply what they want but Jun was still troubled. Jun returns home and flashes back to the past when Minato first came and looked after him and at that moment, Minato had told him that she had loved him. Jun then hears the sound from a motorbike and was brought along by his teacher to the seaside for a chat. He later tells Jun to figure out what he has lost himself and also made Jun more understandable of his situation before leaving him behind. Minato was brought to stay in Nagomi's house which stored lots of wierd stuffs and she somehow knew that Minato had loved Jun as well. Yuuhi was instead living with Karen who plans to meet more than what she needs and even tells Yuuhi that she should realise it herself that she was a stubborn person after all. Yuuhi however tells her that Jun will become spoiled if he does not come up with an answer soon. Jun was made to walk back all the way by himself again and he was alone yet again just like in the past. He hears the voice of his past self when he was in middle school and in the end that voice made himself say out that he also loved Minato as well. The next day, Tsukasa and Nishino realises that Jun's face was much more refreshed than usual and were happy for him. Jun meets Yuuhi in the hallway and he shows Yuuhi his gloves which he wore in middle school and leaves her and waves goodbye at her with the exact same way as he did when they first met. When school ends, Jun asks Minato to return home and reveals that he loves her as well and the both of them hugged while the others were spying on them. Yuuhi feels that it was a proper ending but Mitsuki and some others feel sad for Yuuhi who does not really mind and Karen was still shocked at the fact that the both of them were siblings. Nagomi then burns up some of her stuffs while being visited by Mitsuki and another Nagomi also appears beside her. Minato then tries to improve her relationship with Jun when Yuuhi appears and stops them and decides to stay on much longer to keep an eye on the both of them. Yuuhi;s father also contacted Jun's father and tell him about the situation which he thinks that his daughter would not give up just like that. Jun, Yuuhi and Minato then took a photo together with their smiling faces right in the middle of the photo.

*ok... another anime has ended... zzz, so there'll be 3 more new series coming up too =) the ending was very different from what i had expected though... Minato ends up with Jun although the other 11 episodes are more on Yuuhi and Jun and Minato and Jun were supposed to be siblings but i dun tink they are as seened from the last scene with Jun's father. This was a good end for an anime nonetheless though, although i had hoped for another ending =X, maybe they'll make a split episode for the last episode where Jun chooses Yuuhi instead? that will be so cool if it did! The game for this anime however was made so that Minato had no relation with Jun at all and it will really change the entire series if it was like that... Nice romance anime too but was more focused on comedy rather than the feel so it was still interesting to watch it =) Thumbs UP again for another nice anime!*

To Aru Majutsu no Index 13

Misaka continues to walk to the next location where the battle between her and Accelerator will begin again. Meanwhile, Touma's teacher was still explaining to Aisa and Index about the esper abilities that the people of Academy City has. She explains that each esper will separate them from the proper reality and insert their own reality instead. The Academy City helps people into doing that and by going through some lessons, students will awaken and have their abilities revealed. She continues to talk about Touma who was still a level 0 and talks about how the ability of a level 0 shows that people do not quite understand it yet. They think that by revealing an even stronger person, they might finally be able to understand God's will. Touma then wakes up and looks at his right hand while still remembering that he was hit by a huge electrical attack from Mikoto when teardrops fall onto his face and he realises that his head was lying on Mikoto. Mikoto asked him why was he so kin to rescue her and Touma reveals that he has found a way where he can stop the experiment. Touma tells Mikoto that the experiment was to make the most powerful esper in Academy City to become a level 6 and if they manage to make Accelerator lose in an everyday battle, the scientists will think that Accelerator was incapable. Mikoto tells him that it was impossible since if another level 5 defeats him, the scientists will just think that it was just an error. Touma asks her what the scientists will think if a level 0 like him defeats Accelerator instead. Mikoto tells him that it was impossible, adding on the fact that he was still injured from the attacks that she had dealt to him. Mikoto also explains to Touma about the ability that Accelerator has and it will be impossible to defeat him. Touma does not care about it and asks Mikoto for the location for Accelerator and promising that he will definitely bring the sisters back afterwards. Misaka reaches the location for the next battle while being unable to get Touma's image out of her mind and was puzzled over it. Accelerator was already waiting for her to come and tells Misaka that wouldn't she be afraid of the current situation and he does not seem to care about her dying as it will make him stronger. Misaka however ignores his speech and continues counting down to the battle and asks if he was ready. Accelerator sees that it was impossible to start a conversation with her and the battle begins. Mikoto meanwhile thought about how Touma had left her and that she will be unable to do much if she had went but she decides that she should not just stand around and not doing anything and follows Touma as well. Misaka delivers electricity to Accelerator and keeps doing it although it does not seem to have much use. Accelerator later realises that she was trying to use her electricity to change the oxygen in the air to ozone so as to lower his oxygen intake as he sees that he was panting. Misaka was on the run and Accelerator was amazed that she manages to learn after going through so many battles and tells her that all will be useless if he manages to catch her. He speeds after her by changing the vector of kinetic energy below his feet and catches up with Misaka and sends her flying off the track. She collapses on the floor and Accelerator changes the vector for kinetic energy on her body as well to increase his damage for each attack. He then stops after realising that Touma was behind him and Misaka was also shocked to see him again, standing up to Accelerator. Accelerator finds him interesting after he shot a rock at a tower and exploded it and Touma was neither running away nor scared. Misaka questions him why would he want to save her as she was just a clone that can be reproduced many times by a pressing of a button. Touma says that he was just going to save her and also tells her that Misaka is only one person. Accelerator begins fighting with Touma and sents him flying as well by the sands and later attacks him with the metal rails on the floor. Touma manages to avoid all of them despite still being injured and Accelerator was still confident of winning after seeing Touma's slow movement and attack speed. He comes closer to Touma and attempts to finish him off when Touma uses his right hand to block his next attack. Accelerator seemed shocked by that but sents Touma flying again before kicking him, which he dodges, and hits down the containers instead. A mist then covers the both of them and Accelerator tells him that it was flour and asks Touma if he knows about dust explosion if he decides to ignite the oxygen in the air with all those huge amount of flour around. Knowing the danger that he is in, Touma tries to escape from the fog while Accelerator was still laughing and ignites the oxygen in the end, causing a huge explosion to occur at the battlefield.

*com crashed after i finished that epi and had to use my memory instead so maybe some parts the timing was wrong. An amazing episode too with all those fighting and sciences in it, vectors, ozone, dust explosion etc. thought that Touma was able to dispel Accelerator's attack if he was near? so maybe he still needed physical contact after all, the next epi should seem cool as Mikoto appears too and hopefully Touma and her will team up and defeat Accelerator since he already looked so shocked at the ability of Touma's hand...*


Sunday, December 28, 2008

was anticipating for some anime to watch tonight but it sadly i couldnt... i tink... i'll add in the flight in this post IF i'm able to watch it...

went to Hortpark again today in the late afternoon with family and look here look there, nice park too with superb views of the landscapes. the park is not done yet and some parts are still upgrading or it'll be too big and we'll not have the time to explore the whole park. after exploring much of the park, we started the trail to Mount Faber with the commonly known linking between Hortpark and Mount Faber. It says that it was 2.8km which made me a little disappointed since i've walked further than that before, say like Tanah Merah to Pasir Ris? lols... the path keep going up and up and due to that, one can get tired easily there even though its quite short. Reached Mount Faber after that and camped at the caber car area before taking a bus down to Vivo. it was on the way back home when i realised that i had forgotten to go to 新天地 but it was already too late so it doesnt really matter anyway.

i'm now hoping that AFA 09 will either remain on its original date OR at least be on a day where its not nearing to any of my important exams or i'll be dam sadded by that... i tink i'll be able to make it to SOY 09 next year too and Spring Matsuri if its located at Vivo / somewhere accessible =O

[ISM Flight 2 Anime]

Chaos;Head 12 (END)

Shogun tells Takumi that he was going to die soon and nothing can stop him from that. Takumi suggests to stop using his own powers as a gigalomaniax but Shogun says that it will just even out and turns out to be useless. Takumi again suggests that he should be erased so Shogun will be able to live but Shogun replies to him that it would only allow him to live for some more days and Takumi will still survive if he dies as he has been real-booted into a real human. Shogun then leaves all the work to Takumi who promises to save Rimi. At Noah 2, Norose is visited by the others from NOZOMI group but he decides to betray them and sends particles to them. The both of them kills each other after seeing the other as Norose and Rimi gets shocked when she hears that Takumi has awakened and will be arriving soon as said by Norose who wants Takumi's code sample greatly since it will greatly boost the power of Noah 2. Takumi continues to make his way to Noah 2 when he encounters many Seira-tans who were probably delusions. He manages to fend them off after fighting with her for some time. Back at the surface, Ayase and Yua are fending off the insects while Nanami takes care of Shogun. Shogun then disppears from their sight after they decide to transport him to Takumi's container house and the 3 of them follows Takumi to help out. All the knights meet up at the subway and were making their way together to Takumi as well. Takumi finally reaches the building of Noah 2 and rushes upstairs to it. He runs into the room and sees Rimi being held by Norose who delivers him an attack from his Di-Sword as he yearns to get the code sample from Takumi. He manages to rip Takumi's shirt. Norose prepares for his second attack and Takumi dodges it and rushes to Rimi who tells him to destory Noah 2 first. No matter how Takumi slashes, Noah 2 just disappears and reappear behind him. Norose explains that it can be called a self-defence system of the Noah 2 and breaks Takumi's Di-Sword. Takumi was saved by Rimi yet again and was hit by an delusional attack which made Rimi cry and Takumi realises that his heart was being taken control of. Takumi was later hit by Norose's Di-Sword and was slowly piercing through his entire body. Takumi is later seen in his room, emptied of Seira figurines and every single knight were together with Takumi and even Sena tells Takumi that she likes him. Takumi then awakes from his delusions again and Norose was shocked as Takumi was able to do that in the middle of his own attack and sends another delusional attack at Takumi again. This time, Takumi's body disappears and leaves his 2 eyeballs on the floor which he hears Shogun's voice calling to him and telling him that he was Nishijou Takumi and was not a delusion. Takumi gets back from the delusion and Norose's Di-Sword passes through Takumi as he was now without a form. Even Takumi was able to read Norose's mind as well and the other knights were synchronizing their delusion of the river that Ayase created in the past into Shibuya river and sending it into Norose's building. The river freezes Norose which Takumi later pierces him with his Di-Sword with the power of the other knights and kills Norose with his Di-Sword together with Noah 2. Noah 2 shuts down and the building that Norose was in had disappeared as well. Takumi is then battered and on the ground and Rimi appears. (exactly like episode one) Takumi asks Rimi to eliminate him but Rimi does not want to do it and says that she likes Takumi as he was now. Takumi then tells her that he was just an delusion monster and Rimi replies that she was the same. Takumi later said out words that came out from Shogun in the past and shocks Rimi as Shogun was now dead. Rimi follows Takumi's words and sent in particles to make the sky blue again with the other knights now gathered with Takumi.

*ok, i had to be a little detailed cos the delusion attacks were pretty confusing. i was like "huh?!" after the commercial and that nice nice world appeared like after the battle... lols, things progress fast too and that snake looked like something familiar lols, okok, quite a nice end to a nice anime too... thumbs up!*

P.S. lols. all the stabbing scene were only showed of the shadows lor, maybe too bloody =X


Sunday, December 28, 2008

ok... there shall be no flights on this post so its going to be quite short. 2 anime series has ended already so there will be 2 new series ariring soon! ^^ feeling excited already but i'm still not sure of what they will be airing though... i finished ef melodies yesterday night already and it was 12 episode though... compared to memories which was more and was 13 episodes but nonetheless it had a great ending =) akane iro ni somaru saka has already ended too but i haven watched it yet so i'm still a little sadded too =.= oh and heres the good news: EOY 09 is returning so its going to be great! another organisation takes over and continues EOY 09!!! woots~~~


Friday, December 26, 2008

[ISM Flight 2 Anime]

Toradora! 13

The pro-wrestling performance for the class has ended and most of them were helping Taiga get prepared for the beauty contest. A person comes in and tell the class that they only have 20 minutes more and Ami had to prepare since she was the host as well. Ryuuji then shows Ami Taiga's costume and said that he made some special adjustments as well. The girls in the class were amazed by how Ryuuji made that dress and Ami rushes to prepare herself as well and Taiga gets changed into her white dress. Ryuuji is also confused about Ami and Taiga talking about changing lines. The beauty contest then begins with Ami as the host and most of the attention of the audience were focused on her. Ryuuji tries hard to keep out the noises from the other people who were cheering for Ami and the contestants appears one by one with most of them wearing maid costumes. Halfway through the contest, Ryuuji receives a sms from Taiga's father, telling him to pass a message to Taiga that something had cropped up and he was unable to live with Taiga again. Seeing that message, Ryuuji sees the past and realises that he was selfish and had cheered for Taiga and felt happy for her. Ryuuji also realises that the appearance of Taiga's father had made those 2 drift apart and felt angry at himself for not seeing the true nature of her father. Meanwhile, Taiga appears on stage and Ami had asked Taiga's father to come up to stage and say some words, thinking that her father was here. Ryuuji then understood the "changing lines" that the both of them had talked about. Seeing that her father really did not come to the festival, Taiga leaves the spotlight and trips over her dress and was pissed off. She rips off the bottom part of the dress and stands in the spotlight once again with Ryuuji and Minori both clapping and silently cheering for her. The others see the both of them doing that and cheers for Taiga as well after seeing how different she was in that dress. Taiga then continues with her performance and calmed herself down. Taiga was announced as the winner in the end and Ryuuji realises that she was alone all this while and decides to go to her once more. The student council president appears on the stage and announces the next event where one lucky guy will be able to place the tiara on Taiga's head and dance with her as well, and also her own notes. Everyone prepares themselves for the race and Ryuuji also joins in but was not for the prize that the winner will receive. The race begins and Ryuuji was hit down and exacted revenge again on the others and rushed to win the race using all his strength he has. Reaching the end of the race, he sees Minori also in the race when the both of them were stopped by track members. Minori throws the ball at them and urges Ryuuji to get to Taiga by himself and rushes back to prevent the others from catching up with him. Ryuuji however goes to Minori and the both of them walks into the finishing line together. During the night campfire, Kitamura joins in the fun and Taiga brings Minori to her and Ryuuji before leaving them together. Minori reveals that the exact same thing happened to Taiga's family one year ago and therefore did not believe her father. She then apologises to Ryuuji that she did not tell him the details as she was jealous about Ryuuji getting more close to Taiga compared to her. Everyone then got into a mass dance together and Kitamura also requested for Taiga to dance together with him.

*this episode could be an end to the anime too... seems a nice ending as well with the correct pairs together XD Taiga's face was a little different at the end... seems more matured lol!*


Thursday, December 25, 2008

[ISM Flight 2 Anime]

To Aru Majutsu no Index 12

At Touma's teacher's house, Index asks her what is an esper ability which she explains that it is just a theory. She continues telling her about an experiment and makes it simpler as the experiment was too cruel. She takes a box up and asks Index what was inside it. Index replies to her that it was chocolate since the box says so. The teacher then tells her that it was wrong and contains candy again. Index starts to get a little fed up when she later tells her that she could be lying as well. She then opens the box and a chocolate is revealed. She continues and say that now Index is 100% sure that it was a chocolate as she had seen it but for the others that did not, they might continue to think and believe that it was really candy in it. She therefore reveals that an esper is a person who can replace normal reality with their own reality. Meanwhile, Mikoto is walking along a bridge and thinking about her past. She was happy when she found out that she had the ability to control electricity and in a hospital, doctors and nurses came to her and tells her that if they were able to control electricity like her, they will be able to save those people who cannot move properly since movements were controlled by electric signals too. It then flashes back to Mikoto seeing her sisters and them being killed off one by one. Mikoto then silently hopes for someone to help her out when the black cat that the previous Misaka had taken came to her. She looks back and sees Touma there as well. Touma asks her what she was doing and Mikoto tells him that he does not have the right to control her and tells him that he has no right to lecture her as well. Touma then takes out the paper of the "sisters" experiment and reads it out to Mikoto . It was written that by preparing 128 battlefields and killing railgun, which was her, 128 times, Accelerator will evolve into a level 6 esper. But since it was impossible, they made clones of her and by killing off 20,000 sisters, the effect will be still the same. Mikoto then tell Touma that he must have entered her room without her permission if he had that paper and Mikoto asks him if he got worried about her after reading it and Touma replies that he did. Mikoto believes that he was lying but Touma said that he did not and takes out the map with markings on it. Mikoto explains that she had used her power to destroy those research facilities but no matter how much she destroyed, there was always another research facility to take over the previous one. Touma asks her why didn't she go to the Board since it was illegal to clone humans and Mikoto reveals to him that the city was under the surveillance of Tree Diagram and that meant that the Board had approved it. Mikoto tells Touma that she will go and defeat Accelerator which Touma deems it as impossible since if it was possible, she would have done that already and Accelerator was not he match after all. Mikoto attempts to show to those scientists that the result that they will get will do them no good and Touma says that even if she had showed them that, they could just restart the whole experiment again. Mikoto then reveals that it would be impossible to restart since Tree Diagram was destroyed a few weeks ago. Touma realises that she wants to sacrifice herself to save her 10,000 sisters remaining and attempts to track down and have a duel with Accelerator but Touma stops her in her tracks. Mikoto charges up her electricity and tells Touma that she cannot bear to see them getting hurt and killed off. Upon seeing Touma not budging at all, she warns him that she was not going to lose this time round and he was really going to die. Touma tells her that he will not fight her and she replies that that will not work on her and lauches an electric attack on him that passes through his side. She then warns him again for the second shot that she will definitely hit him. Mikoto continues to tell Touma that if he was not going to fight her then he should go away instead and tells him not to try to save someone with those feelings of his. Mikoto then sents the second electric attack at Touma and hits him head-on. She sees Touma lying on the floor after that attack and reminds her of their first meeting where he had blocked using his right hand and that made Mikoto a little sad but was later shocked when she sees Touma trying hard to get up again. Touma tells her that she does not know why he does not want to fight with her and Mikoto tells him that she was not a good person and delivers another attack at him. It hit him head-on again but Touma was still standing. Mikoto tells Touma that she was a villian since she had killed off many people but Touma still tells her that she was a good person and not a villian since she had not killed him yet and went easy on him. Mikoto does not believes it and keeps saying that it would be wonderful if she had died and that would save the other sisters as well. Mikoto gives Touma his last warning and seeing that he was still not moving, she sent him a large electric attack on him in an attempt to kill him off this time round and Touma was seen lying on the floor and not moving. Mikoto then turns back and carries the cat when she sees Touma struggling to get up once again and tells him to stop it already. Touma then tries to think of another way that he can solve the problem and blacks out before he had thought of one.

*nice episode with a great use of words =X, a little touching too... Touma should just blocked her attacks with his imagine breaker lor, then he can at least take on more hits so yeah... next epi should be cool as it should be Touma facing off with Accelerator =D*


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

ok... this is going to be quite a short post for a change =) firstly, i shall apologise to xiao K cos i dun tink i can upload the 2nd bunch of photos for EOY anytime soon due to a reason i shall write later on... The reason why is becos: well, i tried to change my vista to XP which apparently... failed... yes, sadly, so i have to use recovery and restore it back to factory settings, and u koe wad is factory settings, everything's gone, ZOMG lol, but luckily my cosplay photos are all in discs so its ok =) just that i'll take some time to install back programs and then i'll start again with the photos... anyway, MERRY X'MAS to everyone (i koe its early...) kaes, shall go off being sadded now... =X


Sunday, December 21, 2008

as promised, here are the 1st batch of EOY photos =D

Cardcaptor Sakura

Code Geass

Lancelot, freaking cool =)

Gundam 00

Mixed, all very GOOD here =)

Dynasty Warriors? nt sure =X

Sheryl Nome

Vampire Knight



Sunday, December 21, 2008

ok, i am bored so heres something that will make ur eyes shine *hopefully*, this ef OP for the game is so nice, the music is nice too and the feel is great =D

[ISM Flight 2 Anime]

Toradora! 12

The whole class begins their practice for the Cultural Festival and Taiga, Ryuuji and the other evil followers were taught their own brainwashing sound by Haruta. Everyone was also trying their best as well and the Student Council seems prepared for the whole event too. Returning home, Taiga asks Ryuuji if she smelled as she was going to a restaurant with her father for dinner. Taiga continues to tell Ryuuji that she can never forget what her father had did to her in the past no matter how hard he tries to make it up and Ryuuji knows that the both of them are trying their best to live together again. Late in the night, Ryuuji was still memorising the lines when Taiga returns home and wanted to tell Ryuuji about the Cultural Festival. Next day in school, Taiga holds a box of cakes from a famous restaurant and disliked the fact that she wanted to ask Ami for a favour. Taiga then makes Ryuuji stand outside the door and wait for her to settle the matter with Ami and proceeds to her. Meanwhile, Minori comes through the door carrying a box of materials needed for the performance when Ami suspects something is wrong with the fact that Taiga was giving her something. Taiga ignores her and forces her to eat one of them which after she did, Taiga asked her to listen to her request. Taiga tells Ami that she wanted to switch her role with Ami's which makes Minori a little shocked. Ryuuji then explains to her that Taiga's father was coming to the Cultural Festival to watch her performance as well. Minori's face became shocked when she heard about Taiga's father and drops the box on the ground. Minori prepares to go and wake Taiga up from that untrustworthy father when Ryuuji stops her. Minori continues to explain to Ryuuji that how can she be happy when her best friend was going to get tricked by her own father. Ryuuji then flares up due to Minori's attitude and tells Minori that she should not say that if she does not know anything. Minori replies to Ryuuji that it was him who had not seen her father more clearly. Taiga sees the both of them the rushes to them and attempts to make them stop but Ryuuji storms away and goes to the vending machine where Ami usually sits. Ami finds him later and asks him to move away as it was her spot and Ryuuji explains to Ami the current situation which Ami does not believe that Ryuuji will flare up on the girl she likes and goes back to class with Ryuuji afterwards. Back at home, Ryuuji's mother tells Ryuuji that Taiga was going to move and it was all her father's doing and she also does not like that selfish father which Ryuuji defends for him. She continues to tell Ryuuji that she does not want Taiga to move away as well and treats her like a family already. Later that night when Taiga returns home, she asks Ryuuji to apologise to Minori even though he does not think what he said was wrong. The next day was the Cultural Festival and the ticketing queue for their performance was going very well too. Ryuuji then scared the hell out of Haruta and Taiga after putting on make-up that made him look even more scary with his own eyes. Ryuuji replies to Taiga that he has yet to apologise to Minori when Taiga asks him and Ryuuji later tries to make whiskers on Taiga's face when Kitamura comes in. Meanwhile, Minori and Ryuuji still are not able to get eye contact with each other and their performance went very well as well. When Ryuuji and Taiga was about to go on stage, Taiga was checking on her cell which Ryuuji wonders what was she doing. Taiga and Ryuuji then make their appearance on stage and said a line wrong which she repeats again afterwards into cutting their class teacher's string of fate according to the script. The other classmates then attempt to blend it in and carries their teacher away and after which they continue and Minori makes her appearance on stage. Minori then questions Ami who is the most beautiful person and Ami looks to the audience which a moe expression and the whole crowd shouted out her name which made her embarassed later. Ryuuji then throws Taiga to face off with Ami after the other students got rescued and she fights it out with Ami which leads to Ryuuji and Taiga being pinned down according to the script. After their first performance, Taiga was checking her cell again while eating the crepe with her ribbon as well and Kitamura takes a bite from it too and that made Taiga embarassed and stuffed the remaining crepe into Ryuuji's mouth. In the end, Taiga did not managed to play the main character at all.

*a rather emotional episode i thought, only the play was hilarious :D, ok... so now i feel a little bad about Taiga and begins to doubt her father too, Ryuuji is just simple-minded i guessed, maybe Minori knows Taiga's past very well? hope that Taiga will stay in the school too, i dun want something similar to Myself;Yourself T.T*

Clannad After 12

On the way to the work site, Yoshino praises Tomoya for his fast learning with the procedures and Tomoya looks out of the van and sees students walking to school. He then thinks to himself that everyone will soon graduate and the place that he was working at was the place that he had chose and a place he had earned. In Nagisa's house, it was as noisy as ever with Akio aking up some stupid quiz that barely had meaning to it. Akio then laid on the floor and expressed his loneliness due to the fact that he had barely spent time with Nagisa. Sanae also tells Tomoya that they can not yet let go of their daughter as well and Nagisa seems worried for Tomoya. On walking with Tomoya back home, Nagisa wanted to ask Tomoya something and he asks her if it was about the swimsuit as they were going to the beach some time in the future. Tomoya then suggests to her that they will go and purchase one the next day and Nagisa finally stopped Tomoya from side-tracking and made him go back to the topic. Nagisa then asks Tomoya if he had contacted his father or had given him the address, Tomoya replies that he has not done it yet. Nagisa then tells Tomoya that the both of them should go and visit his father someday and Tomoya agrees to do so, eventually. In Tomoya's workplace, his manager discusses about recommending him to another company to work as a supervisor as he was young and capable and that that salary there was high too. Tomoya thought that he was fired but Yoshino merely tells him that he had gotten the wrong idea. In the van to the new work site, Yoshino suggests to Tomoya that he should take it up as he will be supporting a family in the future and then tells him a story of a rock star which was Yoshino himself, but Tomoya does not seem to know that. Yoshino tells Tomoya that at that time, rock music was very popular and he did whatever he wishes to do and sometime takes the spotlight of the other people and sing it with his own guitar. It was until in this third year when he met Ibuki. She had somehow understood his love songs that he sang and he was happy with it. Every classmate ridiculed him but only that teacher encouraged him. When he finally graduated, he promises Ibuki that when he has become a pro, he will come back and ask her to go out with him which she agrees. The rock star then made a great debut and sang every song with all his might and felt happy with it. Then, a TV programme was made for him to meet up with fans but they were not just any ordinary fans, they were people who had been saved by his song after going through some hardships. All of them seemed happy to see him and gave him flowers. At that time, the rock star finally realises that the songs that he sang was not his own anymore, in the end he lost the ability to write and compose songs and took a break from his company. A friend of his then committed a crime and he thought that it was his fault as he had hoped to listen to his songs. The rock star then tried to compose songs and sang it without caring for anything and even the lyrics contradicted themselves and finally he could not take it any more and was suspected of crime. He returns to his hometown and sees Ibuki walking to him and asks if he was continuing with his song. He then remembers that she had told him to continue and never give up and he would get what he wishes for. He collapses on the floor and finally remembers the path that he was taking and sang love songs for that person's sake. The story then ends since they had reached the work site and Yoshino again reminds Tomoya that he should not lose sight of his own path. Back at home, Nagisa also supports Tomoya for taking that new job after having a small disussion. At the playground, Akio was playing baseball while Tomoya and Nagisa were just sitting down and Tomoya also chatted well with other people that he does not know and Nagisa tells him that he has become more kinder person. After returning home, he receives a call from his workplace and the manager gives him a phone number for his father's friend and when he calls him, Tomoya realises that his father had been arrested for committing a crime. Tomoya was therefore unable to take up the new job as rumours spread quickly. Tomoya then asks Nagisa if she wanted to leave the city as he feels that he was cursed by his own father and Nagisa agrees as long as they are together but tells him that they should not run away and should leave the city with a reason that in the future they will be able to return to their home city again. Tomoya and Nagisa then meets up with his father in the jail and flares up with him as he did not speak even though he had made Tomoya troubled for all his doings. He then leaves with Nagisa following behind him and Tomoya punches the concrete wall with his fist. Nagisa goes to him and sees that his knuckles were bleeding already. Tomoya attempts to punch again but Nagisa holds him tightly, preventing him from doing it again and the both of the collapses to the ground with Tomoya calmed down. Tomoya then suddenly asks Nagisa to get married with him which she agrees. Tomoya asks if she cared about him as a miserable person and such but Nagisa feels that if they are together, they will become stronger.

*... an emotional ending for the episode i supposed, so Yoshino's past was like that, felt sad at that point too... the preview seems that Tomoya had lost his job but i don't think so though, it should be meaning something else, ... argh, where is Fuko?*


Friday, December 19, 2008

the internet has been very slow these few days during the hols =X, sadded... the current time for fast internet speeds are at morning to noon and around 10pm to next morning, i shld be adding the flights later on on this post if i manage to watch finish the anime. Cant do the flight for Toradora 12 too so i apologise for that, i'll be busy the whole day tml so i shld not have the time to do it tml too =X... Heres a piece of very BAD news too, EOY 2009 has been cancelled and so are the following years, so the EOY i had went this year was my 1st and my last too, was really sadded by the news cos i was planning to go in next year too...

heres the announcement on SGcafe: http://sgcafe.com/showthread.php?t=58142 (u might spot me on page 1 too if u are bored =P)

and i heard that Cosfest 09 was also going to be cancelled as well and THAT greatly decreased my enthusiasm for next year's cosplay events. So its all down to Matsuris / Coscons and AFA / STCC... was planning to go to most of the event next year too if i have the time but i doubt it to be possible already.

oh, and heres some of the animes that are coming up too (those most probably i will watch) (taken from crunchyroll : http://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-409237/12-15-2008-Winter-2008-2009-Anime-Preview.html

The Tower of Druaga, The Sword of Uruk (January 09)
Mahou Sensei Negima! ~Shiroki Tsubasa Ala Alba~ (February 09)
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei (February 09)
Bleach Movie - Fade to Black (December 08)
Magical Lyrical Girl Nanoha Movie (???)

And heres the unknown release dates:

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Hayate no Gotoku! - Second Season (i got to finish up the 1st season =X)
Full Metal Alchemist 2

oh, and heres the 2 flights i could finish today =X

[ISM Flight 2 Anime]

Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka 11

Yuuhi returns to her house and had a talk with her father. She explains to him that she had judged Jun well and asked to drop the engagement. Yuuhi's father thinks that she had already planned that from the beginning but Yuuhi tells him to not misunderstand and that she wants to try and build up her relationship with Jun without the influence of the engagement. Jun meanwhile was unable to sleep through the night and wakes up to find Minato in the kitchen and remembers what Minato had did the day before. Minato then notices Jun and prepares his breakfast. While Minato and Jun were eating their breakfast, Yuuhi returns from her visit to her parents and came into the house, only to be approached by Jun's words that sounded like she should take a longer time to return. Yuuhi then takes a seat on the sofa and looks at the both of them. Minato thought that she wanted breakfast but it was not so, Jun later asks Minato to pass the newspaper and Yuuhi somehow senses something amiss. Minato then start washing the dishes when Yuuhi comes into the kitchen and asks her if something had happened yesterday. Yuuhi was worried that something might happen between the two of them on the night where she had left the house. Although Minato tells Yuuhi that nothing had happened, she still felt unsure and went to find Jun instead. Yuuhi says to Jun that she does not like people lying to her and asked Jun if something had happened between him and Minato. Jun replies to her that nothing had happened and asked what Yuuhi's father had said but Yuuhi just doesn't want Jun to change the topic. Yuuhi repeats her question again but this time Jun puts her head to him and asks her to cry if she wanted to. Jun tells Yuuhi that everything was alright but she still did not understand that she felt like heaven yesterday but it became dark and gloomy the day she returned and she was worried about it. Yuuhi continues to press Jun for answers as she knew that he was hiding something and when Jun mentioned that nothing "actually" happened, Yuuhi was angry but Jun tells her that the both of them were siblings and what could have happened? Yuuhi still does not care about what Jun had said and storms out of the room, saying that she hates Jun now. The next day in school, Jun and Yuuhi went to school separately and Tsukasa and Nishino senses that something had happened between Jun and Yuuhi. During break, Mitsuki then assembles the girls and form a group for bringing Yuuhi and Jun back together again. They also invited Minato as they thought that she will be the one that knows the situation between the two of them the best. They then moved on to discuss about whether they were living in same or different room and also about whether they hugged in the living room and such and that made Karen agitated. Yuuhi later discovers the group and joins in too after Mitsuki invites her in and explains to her what they were doing. Yuuhi later just said that Jun was not being kind as she had hoped for and that was the reason and dissolves the group immediately. Minato continues to look at Yuuhi as Yuuhi was suspecting something between Jun and Minato. While Jun was returning home from school, he was met up with some black suited men who gets him into the car to meet his parents. Yuuhi also returns home, all drenched, Minato gives her a towel and tells then receives a call which she later tells Yuuhi that the two of them will be alone and Jun was not coming back that night. Meanwhile, Jun was in the car and he was complaining about his parents leaving him behind and such and made sure that he was going to meet his parents too. Yuuhi and Minato then prepares dinner when Minato reminds Yuuhi about the first time she was in the kitchen while Minato asks her to prepare curry which she was good at. Yuuhi reveals to Minato that she had not been herself in the past and after meeting Jun, Minato and the others, she felt that it was herself again and going to Jun's house made her know the person she loves and also made a friend which was Minato. Minato then drops a plate onto the floor which it broke and she brushes it off while saying that she was just thinking about something. Yuuhi goes close to her and says that she had lived with her for so long and she knows everything, she then brings the plate out to throw while Minato still remains there, thinking about what Yuuhi had said. While eating dinner, Minato gives Yuuhi full marks for her curry and tells her that she had already mastered it. Yuuhi however tells Minato that the vegetables were cut by her but Minato replies that she will master it very quickly and the adding of the flavor was the most important. In the car, Jun started to wonder where he was taken to as it seemed suspicious to him. When Yuuhi says that she was sad that Jun was unable to taste it, Minato tells her that she should not worry as she had kept some in the pot and Jun will be able to eat it when he comes home. Yuuhi then says that she will be left with no regret and that made Minato wonder what she had meant by that. Yuuhi explains that Minato's parents will be coming back and that she will have to leave as well, while Minato tries to let Yuuhi stay behind, Yuuhi tells her that she understands it well. She continues to say that the three of them will be hurt even more if they were to live together and also reveals that she had drop the engagement as well. Minato then rushes to her and apologises while Yuuhi explains that both Minato and Jun kept lying to her and she does not like that. Yuuhi then tells Minato to stop hurting herself and not lie to her anymore as she was worried about her and that Minato should look into her eyes as well and tells her to reveal her true feelings. Minato then reveals to Yuuhi that she loves Jun as well and did not know what to do with it. After Yuuhi forgives Minato for what she had done, she now turns all her anger to Jun instead. Yuuhi continues to explain that it was what that is inside Jun's head that was important and others does not matter to them.

*wow, i thinked i typed quite long too, got a little teary at the last part, so now the relationship for Jun had now turned into a triangle O.O, lols, hopefully this is a full 24/26 epi anime cos both chaos;head and ef melodies are only 13 epis and i'm already sadded*

Chaos;Head 11

Shogun meets up with Takumi and tells him that he was him and it was Shogun who created Takumi. Shogun continues to tell him that the world will be destroyed if everyone continues to be controlled by Noah 2. Takumi then asks Shogun to delete him but Shogun only say to Takumi about everything was all his fault as he had created the delusion of Ir2 and therefore he creates Takumi to help him do the things that he was unable to accomplish. Shogun then continues to tell him about the current status of Rimi and about her being caught after trying to save Nanami. Takumi was also made known that Rimi was trying to help Shogun after all. It then flashes back to the past where Rimi and Shogun were together looking into the clear blue sky. Rimi asks Shogun why the sky was blue and he reveals that it was all his doing. Shogun tells Rimi that she is able to make the sky that she wants everytime she wants and teaches her on the way to use her power as a gigalomaniax. The clear blue sky that Rimi sees with Shogun was also just a synchronized delusion. In a ward, Shogun was in the bed while Rimi enters the room while Nanami was still inside. Shogun then tell Takumi that if he awakens, his own life will diminish. Shogun also reveals to Takumi that the one who had held Rimi captive was the man behind everything and it was Norose. The scene then goes back to the point where Rimi was about to save Nanami and on the line with Shogun. Shogun tries to stop Rimi from going there but to no avail and Rimi also reveals that she feels happiness as well with the Takumi that Shogun had created. Takumi at that moment remembers all the old times he had with Rimi and understands that he loves her as well and all those memories had created the feeling inside him. Takumi continues and tell Shogun that he hates him while Shogun says that he envys him.Takumi turns around and wants to find out the reason why he was created and he wanted to find out by himself. A light then appears in front of his eyes and he reaches out to grab it and a Di-Sword appears in his hand and he real booted it immediately. Takumi also promises to save Rimi with his own Di-Sword and Shogun prompts him to stop the riot first by destroying the porters of Noah 2. Somehow Takumi also had the power to peer into other people's mind and was thus able to locate the porters easily and destory the ports on their back. Takumi later get to meet the nurse face to face and reads her mind and thus showing all her memories of carrying out the New Gene incidents. Takumi also reveals her as the true culprit behind them and also realises that she was Grim after all. Grim tells Takumi that she had done all that to awaken Takumi to his true powers and then takes out a peg from the New Gene incident that Takumi witnessed and stabs it into her neck. The Third Melt then occurs and a large earthquake shook the whole of Shibuya with a large amount of electromagnetic waves going through them. The damage Shibuya took was quite large and many people were injured or dead. Yua and Ayase were also walking through the rubbles when Yua suggests to Ayase that they should move to a safer place but Ayase declines and tell her that the Gladior has awakened. They continue to move forward and see Nanami with her own Di-Sword in her arms. Yua later identifies Nanami to Ayase and Ayase also reveals that Rimi was also one of the knights. It then goes back to the scene where Ayase had slapped Rimi and it was Rimi who asked her to leave Takumi to prevent him from awakening but Ayase tells her that it was not what the Great Will wants. Takumi wakes up and finds Shogun on the floor and carries him on his back when he hears singing and locates Ayase and the others. Takumi summons and real boots his Di-Sword again and saves the three of them. Nanami goes to Takumi but Takumi reveals to her that he was not her real brother and was Shogun instead. In a recollection of the past, Nanami was together and taking care of Shogun when Shogun makes her forget about everything. Shogun then asks Nanami to go to Takumi as well since he was also created by him and therefore Takumi was also her brother. Nanami then rushes over to Takumi and accepts him as her brother as well. Meanwhile, Norose also knew about the awakening of Takumi and doubts if he will be able to make it there and Rimi was seen held captive on his Di-Sword. Takumi then leaves the others to take care of some things but Ayase hopes that they can go together if Takumi was going to destroy Noah 2 which he said he will. Out of the blue, wierd insects appears and held Takumi tight while the other saves him with their Di-Sword and Takumi leaves for Noah 2. Sena is holding Kozupii since she was unable to walk properly and Sena finally locates her father. Sena goes to him with her Di-Sword and tell him that she has been waiting for very long and her father tells her that he is prepared. A split image of her father then appears and agitated Sena which causes her to slash the image and resulting to the death of her father as that was a delusion that she was made to see. Sena then finds out that it was Suwa behind the delusion and her father had saved her. Sena and Kozupii were then made to see delusions when Takumi appears and save them both. Takumi was also able to peer into his mind and find out what he had done to Ban but Suwa takes out a similar peg and throws it at Takumi and tries to re-enact the incident again. Takumi however was able to sent all those pegs back to Suwa through the synchronizing of the delusions and saves Kozupii and Sena. Kozupii was finally able to speak again and it was revealed that Sena had always wished to live with her father again and cried over his body. Sena then requests him to destroy Noah 2 which Takumi agrees but he says that it was only for his own reasons and walks away.

*i tink i made a quite long flight for Chaos;Head again... zzz... well anyway, Takumi finally gets his own Di-Sword and that made him a little more serious and different from what he usually was. His sword at first looks like a rod but after it real-boots, it looked nicer =), i still prefer Nanami's Di-Sword though, looks the most beautiful =X so now its down to 2 more episodes (i tink), generally things passed fast during this episode =D*


Thursday, December 18, 2008

whoooo, i am so bored... slacking in SGcafe was not enuff, maybe i should continue editting the EOY photos O.O, i shld be able to upload some of them by this weekend or next week too... Chaos;Head is ending soon alrdy, noooooooo, maybe after Chaos;Head finishes and the next anime that replaces it if i'm not watching it, then maybe i'll start on Kannagi too, it seems a cool anime too =)... i shouldnt be going to Winter Masuri too cos December is a raining season, so going to Fort Canning isnt such a good idea. SOY also cant go next year =X, cos too far too, so i'll have to look forward to other events that hopefully doesnt clash with exams and such...

Events that i shld / may go:

Summer Matsuri (nt sure if have)
Spring Matsuri (nt sure if have)
Autumn Matsuri
The Matsuri (the event name shld be correct?)
Cosfest 09
AFA 09
Singapore Toys and Comics Convention 09

=X, i tink most of them i'll be going alone? haiz... next year is a busy year too =X


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

[ISM Flight 2 Anime]

Chaos:Head 10

Takumi is feeling confused as he was unable to locate his home even though he clearly remembers it. Rimi tells him that at the time of the new gene incident that Takumi had saw Rimi was the combination of multiple delusions. Rimi then reveals to him that what he remembers was just a fabricated memory and that his existence is delusion created by gigalomaniax. Rimi continues to saying that Takumi was born 1 year ago and that the person who created the delusion of Takumi was the real Nishijou Takumi. Rimi then apologises and leave Takumi to go to the person who had kidnapped Nanami. Before Rimi disappears from Takumi's sight, she tells him that his power is too strong and he must stop making more delusions as it will reduce the life from the real Takumi. The police detectives are still investigating Shinkou company and finds out that it was linked to the NOZOMI group. They therefore deduce that it had a very deep relationship with the GE-rates that increase every weekend and a well-known person there was surpressing the media so that they will not report anything about the abnormal GE-rates in Shibuya. Detective Ban then receives a call from Suwa which he tells him that he was in a hospital and then he hangs up. Ban becomes worried and rushes to the hospital and asks the others to hide themselves. In the hospital, Suwa walks to the rooftop while the nurse who was seen taking care of Ayase in the past was also standing there, waiting for someone. Takumi walks through the streets and thought about what Rimi had said to him. He then tries to prove his own existence in the past, before one year ago, and decides to call up his friend. Misumi answers the phone and talks to Takumi which made him happy as he was remembered but when Misumi asked him when they became friends as he had forgotten, Takumi hangs up the phone and starts to be afraid as no one was able to prove his own existence. Rimi is then seen calling up the real Takumi and telling him that she will end it all and asks him not to worry. Ban enters the hospital and the nurse points to the rooftop and tells him that someone had went up and Ban followed up. The computer screen at the office of the hospital then showed Takumi trying to ask people to erase him. Yua also follows Ban to the hospital and sees her dead twin sister Mia at the building and follows her. Meanwhile in the chat room, Grim replies to Takumi "Let there be salvation through faith" and Grim was the nurse. Takumi is then taken aback by that reply and wishes for Rimi to be there. He suddenly hears Nanami's voice outside and opens the door, upon seeing her, Takumi firmly believes that the Nanami standing in front of him was a delusion and did not try to pay any attention to her. Takumi then asks Nanami to erase him. Back in the hospital, Yua meets up with Mia at the stairs and Mia asked Yua whether or not she was Yua or was Mia and told her that if it was reversed, then Yua will be dead and Mia will be her. Mia continues to saying that Yua had pretended to cry for her little sister but it was actually all in the reverse. Yua was then unable to prove her own existence and was brainwashed by Mia. At the rooftop, both Mia and Yua were standing at the edge and at the same time, Ban also reached the roof where he was confronted by Suwa who later shot him with his gun. Ban told him to not do things that he will regret later but Suwa said that Ban knew too much and had to erase him. After hearing the gunshot, Yua returns to her senses and Mia pushes her down onto the ground and tries to make her fall from the building. Yua looks through the fence and manages to summon a Di-Sword in her hands and fends off Mia. Yua then tells her that Mia was already dead two years ago and slashed her with her new sword. The delusion fades off and a porter was seen. He attempts to escape but Ayase had destroyed the device behind his back with her own Di-Sword and tells Yua that she was also one of the Dark Knights and that she had stayed in the hospital for that reason. Back in Takumi's room, he still regard the Nanami in his room to be a delusion and tells her that the real Nanami will get angry and scold him which she was not doing so. Rimi then reaches Noah 2 and sees Norose who appears and having Nanami held by his Di-Sword. Nanami then gets released and asks Rimi where was he bangle that Takumi had given her and then, Rimi realises that Nanami's hand had faded away. Rimi tries to bring her back by saying that the bangle was with her but that made her summon her own Di-Sword as well. In Takumi's home, he tries to believe that Nanami was real and Nanami asks him to hug her and by thinking that if he did that then the both of them will be saved, Takumi hugs her and she disappears. Takumi then screams out as she was really a delusion after all. Norose tells Rimi that it was easy for them to make people awaken but it did not work for Takumi himself. Rimi then sees herself in a dark room and reminded her of being an experimental subject in the past and was unable to fight anymore. Takumi then walks in the streets, ignoring everything that was happening to him until Shogun appears in front of him and tells him that the people around him were receiving invisible damage by Noah 2 and he was the only one that can stop that from happening.

*ooooo, so Chaos;Head wasnt a long anime after all =X, all of them seem so easy to get their Di-Sword, only Takumi's one so hard to get... When Mia tells Yua about the reversing thing, it made me confused though cos the front when Takumi was said to be a existence that shouldnt have existed, it already made me "WHAT!?", nice anime sia... so chim =X, like higurashi like that... and the preview so nice =X, omgosh la, wad happen to Shogun???*

To Aru Majutsu no Index 11

Misaka is running with her gun while she was being followed by the Accelerator. She turns back and shoot at him but the bullets went back at her and injured her. Misaka falls to the ground and attempts to shoot a bullet into his eye but it only came back at her. She continues to run and uses her electricity against him but they return to hit her instead. Misaka then names Accelerator's skill as "reflection" but it was close to it. Accelerator reveals that he has the power to change any vectors he comes in contact with and it is set on "reflecting" on default. He then places his finger in Misaka's wound and reverses her blood flow. Touma meanwhile leaves the shop and is unable to find Misaka anywhere and saw only the black cat. He senses something from an alley and follows it and it leads to him finding Misaka's body on the ground covered with blood. The police later arrives and cordoned of the location and requests Touma to lead them to the body. Touma leads them on and is shocked to find that the body of Misaka had disappeared. The police following him then searched the surroundings but did not find any bloodstains nor a dead body. The black cat in Touma's arm then somehow sensed something and Touma runs in that direction. After turning some corners, he located Misaka standing in the middle of an alley and was carrying a huge bag. Touma then felt relieved as he was seeing Misaka unhurt and alive. Misaka then tells him that Misaka really did die and that made Touma puzzled as he was seeing Misaka clearly alive in front of him. Misaka then says out a password to Touma which he does not understand and Misaka therefore tells him that he was not related to the experiment and does not give him a detailed explanation. More and more Misaka then appears and were all talking about the past where they all seemed to know what was happening. On of them then tells Touma that every Misaka that is here is Misaka herself. Misaka continues to explain that the Misaka Touma had in contact with was Misaka Serial number 10032 and tells Touma that their brain waves are linked together by Misaka's power to control electricity and that was why every Misaka know what was going on. Misaka explains even further that they are all clones made for military purposes and are named as "sisters". She then says that she was unable to give more details and apologises for dragging Touma into the experiment. The Misakas then leave Touma behind in the alley. Meanwhile, Aisa is in Touma's teacher house and were cooking and eating meat when Aisa then tells the teacher that by eating it, it could lead to cancer. That could not stop the teacher from eating though and then someone knocked on the door. Aisa went to look through the peephole but saw no one and hit something hard when she opened the door and found out that she had hit Index's head. Index was starving and wanted to come in but Aisa just closed the door. Index knocked on the door again and requested to at least feed Sphinx and in the end she still came in and ate together as Touma had not returned home yet. Touma is then travelling to the dorm Mikoto was leaving at and wants to talk to her but her roommate says that she was not back yet. He was then asked to stay in the room to wait for her and when he opened the door, he finds the girl from yesterday, Kuroko and she recognises him as well. Kuroko tells him that she had "legally" remove a person from that room and became Mikoto's roommate and that she had lots of enemy due to the fact that she was one of the seven level 5 espers. The inspection for the dorms was time and Kuroko did not know what to do with Touma and attempts to teleport him out but nothing happened due to Touma's Imagine Breaker. She then shoves him under the bed where he sees a plush toy with a zip in it. Touma opens it and finds a piece of paper involving "sisters". He reads it and discovers that they are trying to evolve Accelerator into a level 6 esper by using those "sisters" and stimulating a battlefield for him. Touma then leaves the dorm and tries to locate Mikoto, he sees the propellers moving although there was no wind and determines that he will be able to find Mikoto if he follows the propellers as they were most probably turning due to the voltage coming out from her.

*O.0, "sisters", nice term for cloned espers... Aisa does not seem to like Index too, LOL and Index's head so hard, sounds like the door hit a metal like that... next episode's gonna be cool, seems like Touma is confronted with the Accelerator too, cool name for a esper too =)*


Monday, December 15, 2008

heres the last bit of AFA 08 Day 2 photos =), it is NOT from EOY ok? cos i'm still editing them... still considering whether or not to go to the Winter Matsuri though, cos i dun tink i'll be going to SOY next year, too far, @ ngee ann poly... i want to go to that too but its too inaccessible =X

May'N concert logo =D

Haruhi Suzumiya

Bleach =X

Code Geass!!!

Cosplay Mania, the Vincent is cool =)

Code Geass team wins!!! look at that big cheese-kun =P


Trinity Blood

Ranka Lee (saw her at WCG too :D)

??? blood effects is good

Rozen Maiden =)


The things that i got and my "1-hr" queue ticket =D

Thats ALL for AFA!!! WHOOO


Sunday, December 14, 2008

feeling a little sadded after realising that i did not get a lot of cosplayers' photos in EOY... zzz, gotta go in once, maybe next year then? =D okok, didnt have much time to edit those photos and it was still fun after all. EOY has now conclude this year's event for me cos i'm not going to winter matsuri cos its at fort canning, thinking whether i should go for SOY next year too... hm... cant wait for next year's cosfest too =) maybe i'll consider cossing too in the future, but now's not the time =P

[ISM Flight 2 Anime]

Clannad After 11

Tomoya was still asleep after a day of work when Nagisa wakes him up and prepares breakfast for him. Tomoya apologises for making Nagisa come by every morning but Nagisa was more worried about his body instead. Tomoya then goes to work where Yoshino had to correct him in his work again and asks him to concentrate or he'll hurt himself. Tomoya then returns home to have dinner with Nagisa but was feeling sleepy and did not have much conversation with Nagisa. Nagisa then leaves Tomoya's house later that night and Tomoya thinks of Nagisa as his own support for his own work. During work, Yoshino sees Tomoya using only his left hand when completing his tasks and asks him why he was doing it the hard way and should use both hands instead. Tomoya does not tell him that his right shoulder was bad and tells Yoshino that it was easier for him. Back at home, Nagisa tries to talk to Tomoya but he was not responding till some time later. Nagisa then apologises for bombarding him with conversation after a day of hard work but Tomoya instead says that it helps him get a breather if she does it. While walking Nagisa back home, Nagisa asks why Tomoya had not tell Yoshino and the others about his right shoulder and Tomoya replies that he might get fired because of that. Nagisa then tells Tomoya that she feels like crying after thinking that Tomoya will be alone after she leaves but Tomoya tells her that it is alright and bid farewell to Nagisa. At work, Yoshino and Tomoya were doing their job when Kinoshita-san came by and recognises Tomoya and asks him about his current life. Yoshino then tells Tomoya that their job would make themselves think that the town was small and will meet other people more easily. Tomoya also looks through the photos which Yoshino talks about hoping that the town does not change quickly. Tomoya also asks Nagisa if she was free at Sunday but Nagisa tells him that she had a mock exam and Tomoya feels a little sad as the both of them were missing each other more and more. In the end, Tomoya went out with Akio which he says he will bring Tomoya for some adult entertainment which turns out to be a toy shop. Akio then receives a lizard from the shopkeeper and tells Tomoya that he will put that lizard down Sanae's back and scare her. Tomoya suggests not to do that but Akio says that it will strengthen their relationship. Back at the bakery, Akio let Sanae to be distracted while Tomoya takes the chance to slip in the lizard and that made Sanae freak out and runs outside immediately. Akio rushes after her while blaming Tomoya and Tomoya ran out to. A resident there also says that Akio and Sanae entertains the town. Nagisa then tells Tomoya that she was surprised that Tomoya was running together with the family. She then tells Tomoya that there was the Founder's Festival coming up and Tomoya also agrees to go with her. During work, Tomoya hears that he might be assigned for weekend jobs while he was sorting the files by date. His manager also seems to be happy with Tomoya working there. Tomoya tells Nagisa that he might not be able to make it to the Founders Festival but Nagisa says that she was alright with it and that she was happy for Tomoya as he was working very hard. Yoshino was working with Tomoya when he leaves the rest to him while he leaves to see the others that need to be done. In the lorry, Yoshino realises that Tomoya had a bad right shoulder but did not say anything about to the manager and says that he will help fill in Tomoya for those things that he might be unable to do and tells Tomoya that he should not do anything to screw up things with his girl. Late at night, the manager gives Tomoya a job and he was requested to do it alone. When he finished, Yoshino comes by and inspects Tomoya and taps him on his shoulder telling him that he did a great job. The next morning, Tomoya receives a call from the manager that Yoshino had found a mistake in Tomoya's work and had left to fix it. Tomoya rushes to see him and apologises to him, telling him that he should take responsibility for it and Yoshino accepts his help. After they completes it, Tomoya rushes to school were he sees Nagisa waiting outside the gate for him and apologises to him. Nagisa then walks back home with Tomoya, eating corn as they walk down the hill. At the company, Tomoya goes to work where he was not reprimanded by anyone and they instead told him that they would have helped if they knew that he had a date with his girlfriend, Yoshino also tells him that he could just make up to it and tells him about "Love". Everyone then starts laughing at that word and Tomoya finally receives his own tag for the company.

*argh, Nagisa is being ignored yet she's not doing much about it..., kinda sad for them and Tomoya should worry more about Nagisa instead of his own job, seems like now the story is focusing on the 2 of them too...*

Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka 10

Nagomi is making a report about Jun and about his own daily life. Yuuhi was then watching a tv show on the television when Jun comes out of a bath with only a towel and that shocked Yuuhi and Minato also requests Jun to wear more clothing in the future. Nagomi then continues typing that Jun sometimes was too kind and that sometimes he could be so kind that it has become a sin. Yuuhi then wonders why she could not get him off her own mind and why she had fallen for someone like Jun? Minato was going to wake Yuuhi up when she sees her covering herself with a blanket and shivering and Minato suggests that she should stay at home and recover as Yuuhi says that she was feeling a little sick. Jun later comes into the room which made Yuuhi sat up immediately and asked why was he there. Jun then replies that he heard from Minato that she was sick and brought breakfast up for her and touched her forehead. Jun then tells Yuuhi to try harder if she was pretending to be sick. Yuuhi however denys and say that she was really not feeling well. Yuuhi then asks Jun about Minato which he says that she has left for school already and Jun was left behind to look after her. When Jun was about to leave, Yuuhi grabs his sleeve and stops him, telling him to stay a little while longer. Jun agrees and stay with her when Yuuhi talks about her coming to her fiancee's house and hating that person. Yuuhi then continues to talk about that fateful day in school and requests Jun to do it again to forget it which Jun remains shocked. Yuuhi then says that she had come to hate him and questions herself why she is unable to hate him now. Jun then kisses her again and asks her to make her feelings for him clear. The two of them then confess to each other when the school bell rang and Jun realises that he was already that late. In school, Tsukasa talks about Yuuhi being able to get along with Jun already and confirms it after setting her up and making her reveal it herself. Minato also adds in that it was pretty obvious for both Jun and Yuuhi and there was no need for suspicion. Mitsuki then comes by too and tells Yuuhi that Jun have to be led by girls and Minato tells her that she can also take time to get to understand Jun more. Tsukasa also reminds Yuuhi that she should take action as soon as possible as there are other people who are also waiting to get their hands on Jun as well. Karen also appears and tells Yuuhi that she will now be her love rival and attempts to get Jun as well when she realises that she was the only one that didn't know about the fact that Jun and Yuuhi were living in the same house. Nishino asks Jun what he had thinked about Minato and asks him if he really love her or not. Jun replies that it was since they are siblings but Nishino was clearly not asking for that kind of relationship, he later asks Jun again if he would be able to live on without Minato. At the school rooftop, Nagomi meets up with Yuuhi and gives her tips in the advancement of her relationship with Jun and so did the other girls. In the night, Jun is still thinking about what Nishino had said when Yuuhi walks through the corridor wearing a black cloak. Yuuhi then goes into Jun's room and tells him that she has something to tell him with the both of them alone. After Yuuhi goes to Jun's side, Jun becomes suspicious of the black cloak and flings it off and reveals Yuuhi wearing a maid costume below. She then reveals that it was Nagomi who had suggested to her that will decrease the gap between the both of them and that Jun was a shy person and therefore she had come up with it after linking everyone's suggestion together. Jun then talks about her being ridiculous as she was doing it late in the night and then suddenly he asks her about her in the status as the girl in the Katagiri family. That made Yuuhi quiet and Jun apologises and says that he was also troubled and did not know what to do. Yuuhi was then happy that Jun had also thought about her and leaned herself to Jun and say that it was good as Jun is a good person after all. Yuuhi then thinks that the costume had no meaning after all and attempts to throw it away when Jun stops her and say that it will be a pity. Yuuhi then leaves Jun and Minato and goes back to her family and give them a report. Minato and Jun then return back into their house where Minato sits beside Jun and that gave Jun a little shock as he was thinking about what Nishino had said. Minato then leans to Jun and Jun asked her why was she doing that as they were siblings but Minato only said that its only for once. Nagomi then talks to herself, saying that because of Jun's kindness, it makes him brittle and that's why that kind of kindness isn't necessary.

*more on romance for his whole episode and it kinda reminds me of Erementar Gerad? LOL?, ok so the relationship is getting more and more complicated =X so its kind of sad for Jun as he is getting more and more troubled...*


Saturday, December 13, 2008

going to cosplay events with people you know is still the best compared to going alone =D, went to EOY today with my sister and cousin with 2 of their friends too... its really different from going alone cos you get to chat on the way and taking photos too so its just different. Went there quite late today, at around 2pm+ when we reached and there were still Rozen Maiden cosplayers on the expo train too. It was so fun walking to the EOY place cos its near hall 2 and cosplayers were like brushing past us and i was like "ah... a cosplayer, ah... a dollfie", LOL. I was really shocked at the huge crowd there but soon after i realised that it was just a small location filled with people. Not able to go in makes me feel sadded, cos 12 bucks is a little ex for me and the outside entrance was quite a small and confined place. I can say that this event was a little hard, cos very little people were posing for photos unlike the other events which i just walk walk, i can see poses already. For EOY, i went to ask for loads of photos too and in the end, it overshot my expectations a little with 70+ photos, thought that it was quite a lot considering the facts that i did not went in and most of them were from AFA so i didn't take them again. Most of the time i was with the others but disappeared once in a while when someone was posing =). The cosplayers this time was quite good too, loads of vampire knights cosplayers and very little macross frontier's compared to AFA, maybe thats becos May'N was coming then? Then i saw something very amazing, the WHOLE Naruto team was there and i MEAN it, it should be whole though, the whole team consists of like 20-30 ppl? my camera could not even take the whole team too. Then i saw a Fate cosplayer and rushed there straight away, its really RARE to see a nanoha cosplayer in sg. Left at around 6pm and went to white sand to have dinner, saw cosplayers at comics and at the interchange too =D. First time going to EOY and i can say that it gave me the feel of cosfest =D, will up the photos soon, wont be alot cos lots of them were staying inside and nv come out =X

P.S. lols, just realised i haven up AFA day 2 photos yet, yikes... will up asap =X


Saturday, December 13, 2008

will be going to EOY at around noon too, quite excited actually but i'm not expecting much photos too since i'm not going in =X ef a tale of melodies now should be left with 2/3 more episodes, argh, sadded...

[ISM Flight 2 Anime]

Toradora! 11

Taiga is complaining about the intense heat in the morning when they see Minori on the way to school as well. A very excited Haruta then comes by and reveals that after the summer break was the anticipated Cultural Festival. While the atmosphere was high, their teacher appears with a gloomy face and talks to herself like something miserable had happened to her during the summer break. Back in the student council room, they were all having a meeting due to the fact that the Cultural Festival had shortened to one day yet again. Kitamura also voices out that if it goes according to plan, the Cultural Festival will make giving up the two days worth more. In the sports hall, Ryuuji and the other guys were sitting around while the girls were playing basketball. Ryuuji was thinking about Minori asking him to go UFO hunting with her in the future when Taiga suddenly started quarreling with Ami. The other guys were then looking at the girls that they fancy and Taiga had seemed to have started a fight with Ami again. Back in the changing room, Haruta suggests to the class to vote for a maid cafe if they wanted to see their favourite girls' cute sides. However, one of them suggests for china costumes but that made Ryuuji worry about Taiga if the costume was too tight. The ideas then start branching off and in the end, Kitamura suggests to do a cosplay cafe instead. Taiga was looking at the rip in her trackpants when she recieves a phone call but she ignored it immediately. She later finds Ryuuji and asks him to mend it while Ami arrives too and Taiga blames it on her nails. Ryuuji then go with Taiga and agrees to help her. Minori appears too and when Ryuuji wants to talk more about the UFO hunting thing, Minori pretends to not hear it and returns to class. Back in Ryuuji's home, Taiga's phone rang again but she ignores it yet again. Taiga then talks about the person being some damned old man and Ryuuji seems worried about it. He later realises that it was Taiga's father calling him and Ryuuji advices her to pick it up as it is still her father but Taiga just ignores it. Ryuuji mother then awakes too and talks about Ryuuji's father instead. In class the next day, Haruta is discussing about the Cultural Festival and suggests to nominate Ami for the beauty contest but Ami said she could not do it as she was the host and nominates Taiga instead. Taiga was pissed but it was already decided due to her popularity and part of Kitamura's help. Haruta then goes back to the topic about what they're class will be doing and one of the class guys then suggests Cosplay Cafe immediately. Minori also stands up and tries to suggest a haunted house but was too excited and had a nosebleed. Kitamura warns her that she should stop or her body will not be able to take it. Haruta then asks the class to write down what each of them wants and puts them in a bag while he will shuffle and pick out one. In the end the class had to do pro-wrestling and their teacher liked that idea too, the guys then asks why he did not do a majority pick instead which Haruta later realises. After school, Taiga was withdrawing money when she finds out that there was no money left in the accound and Taiga suggests that it was all her father's doing. Her cellphone then rings again and Ryuuji asks her to pick it up or nothing will change. Ryuuji was then made to see Taiga's father instead of Taiga herself and her father explained their current family situation to him and wants to break up with his new wife and live with Taiga again. Taiga helps Ryuuji in the dishes as she had agreed to do so if he had went to see her father instead. Ryuuji then attempts to tell her what her father wants to do but it leads to Taiga going home when she was angry and sad that Ryuuji was feeling bad for her father and not Taiga herself. In school, Haruta completes the script for the pro-wrestling and Ami will be the main lead while Ryuuji and Taiga will be the evil people. Haruta also tells the class that they had no choice but to do it since their teacher had already signed in and handed it in. Taiga and Ami then starts to fight when Kitamura enters and announce that the Cultural Festival will be made into an inter-class competition and the prizes were fabulous. Ryuuji and Taiga goes back home and on the way, Taiga sees her father waiting for her at her house and goes forward and kicks him immediately. Ryuuji then rushes to Taiga and stops her and tells her that she should at least listen to what he has to say. Ryuuji then gets angry when Taiga calls her own father thrash and tells her that he could never get his own father back no matter how much he wishes for. Taiga then asks Ryuuji not to make that face again and takes it as a happy thing and walks back to her father where he hugs her and Ryuuji hopes that everything was alright.

*ok... Taiga's father was not quite how i expected him to be... wonder how the Cultural Festival will turn out too, maybe Taiga will really wack Ami hard? O.O*


Photos Processed

Coming Soon
The World God Only Knows 6
MM! 7
To Aru Majutsu no Index II 6
Sora no Otoshimono Forte 7
Bakuman 7

The World God Only Knows 5
MM! 6
To Aru Majutsu no Index II 5
Sora no Otoshimono Forte 6
Bakuman 6

D.Gray Man 200
Bleach 424
Air Gear 292
Hayate no Gotoku! 295
To Aru Kagaku no Choudenjibou 35
The World God Only Knows 120
Code Breaker 109
Sora no Otoshimono 42
Psyren 142
Beelzebub 83

Cosfest 07 (over)
STCC 08 (over)
Cosfest 08 (over)
Coscon @ WCG 08 (over)
Autumn Matsuri (over)
EOY 08 (over)
SOYA 09 (over)
WCG/TGX 09 (over)
Cosfest 09 (over)
STCC 09 (over)
AFA 09 (over)
EOY 09 (over)
Cosfest 2010 (over)
AFA 2010 (over)

  • SK
  • Marc
  • Joven
  • Delphina
  • Huizhen
  • Jack

  • Anime Exits
  • Good Smile Company
  • Alter
  • SGCafe
  • Cosfest
  • SOYA
  • EOY 09
  • AFA 2010
  • Kadokawa Light Novels

  • Leave A Message

    Anime List
    Air Gear (finished)
    Akane-Iro Ni Somaru Saka (finished)
    Akikan! (finished)
    Angel Beats! (finished)
    Asura Cyrin' (finished)
    Asura Cyrin' S2 (finished)
    Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu (finished)
    Bakemonogatari (finished)
    Bakuman (airing)
    Bamboo Blade (finished)
    Black Rock Shooter OVA (finished)
    Bleach-Memories of Nobody (movie)
    Bleach-Diamondust Rebellion (movie)
    Brave Story (movie)
    Busou Renkin (finished)
    Chaos;Head (finished)
    Chrome Shelled Regios (finished)
    Clannad After Story(finished)
    Clannad The Movie (movie)
    Chrno Crusade (finished)
    Code Geass (finished)
    Code Geass R2 (finished)
    D.Gray man (finished)
    D.N. Angel (finished)
    Darker than Black (finished)
    Darker than Black Ryusei no Gemini (finished)
    Eden of The East (finished)
    Eden of the East (I) - The King of Eden (movie)
    Eden of the East (II) - Paradise Lost (movie)
    ef ~a tale of memories~ (finished)
    ef ~a tale of melodies~ (finished)
    Erementar Gerad (finished)
    Evangelion 1.0 (movie)
    Full Metal Alchemist (finished)
    Full Metal Alchemist - Conquerors of Shambala (movie)
    Ga-Rei Zero(finished)
    Get Backers(finished)
    Grave of the Firefly (movie)
    Gundam Seed (finished)
    Gundam Seed Destiny (finished)
    Gundam Seed CE73 Stargazer(finished)
    Hayate no Gotoku (finished)
    Hayate no Gotoku 2 (finished)
    High School of the Dead (finished)
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (finished)
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai (finished)
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei (finished)
    Howl's Moving Castle (movie)
    Ichigo 100%(finished)
    Inuyasha (finished)
    K-ON! (finished)
    K-ON!! (S2) (finished)
    Kannagi (finished)
    Kaze no Stigma (finished)
    Last Exile(finished)
    Lucky Star (finished)
    Lucky Star OVA (finished)
    Macross Frontier (finished)
    Magical Detective Loki (finished)
    Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (finished)
    Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's (finished)
    Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS (finished)
    Mahou Sensei Negima (finished)
    Minami-ke (finished)
    Minami-ke Okaeri (finished)
    Minami-ke Okawari (finished)
    Mitsudomoe (finished)
    MM! (airing)
    Myself; Yourself (finished)
    Ookami Kakushi (finished)
    Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi (finished)
    Ouran High School Host Club (finished)
    Pandora Hearts (finished)
    Saiyuki Reload (finished)
    Saiyuki Reload Gunlock (finished)
    Seitokai no Ichizon (finished)
    Seitokai Yakuindomo (finished)
    Shakugan no Shana (finished)
    Shakugan no Shana II (finished)
    Shakugan no Shana (movie)
    Shangri-La (finished)
    Sora no Otoshimono(finished)
    Sora no Otoshimono Forte (airing)
    Sora no Woto(finished)
    Soukou no Strain(finished)
    Soukyuu no Fafner(finished)
    Soukyuu no Fafner-Right of Left (finished)
    Spirited Away (movie)
    Summer Wars (movie)
    The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (movie)
    The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi (finished)
    The Piano Forest (movie)
    The Sky Crawlers (movie)
    The Tower of Druaga ~Aegis of Uruk~ (finished)
    The Tower of Druaga ~Sword of Uruk~ (finished)
    The World God Only Knows (airing)
    To Aru Majutsu no Index (finished)
    To Aru Majutsu no Index II (airing)
    To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (finished)
    Toradora! (finished)
    Umineko no Naku Koro Ni (finished)
    Voices of a distant star (movie)
    White Album (finished)
    Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo (finished)

  • July 2007
  • August 2007
  • September 2007
  • October 2007
  • November 2007
  • December 2007
  • January 2008
  • February 2008
  • March 2008
  • April 2008
  • May 2008
  • June 2008
  • July 2008
  • August 2008
  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
  • December 2008
  • January 2009
  • February 2009
  • March 2009
  • April 2009
  • May 2009
  • June 2009
  • July 2009
  • August 2009
  • September 2009
  • October 2009
  • November 2009
  • December 2009
  • January 2010
  • February 2010
  • March 2010
  • April 2010
  • May 2010
  • June 2010
  • July 2010
  • August 2010
  • September 2010
  • October 2010
  • November 2010
  • December 2010
  • January 2011

  • Credits: sweeeeeeeet, Danny Choo ^^;